- AC Optimisation
- Battery Storage
- Boiler Optimisation
- Building Management System
- Cogeneration (CHP)
- Demand Side Management
- EV Charging
- Heat Pumps
- Heating Additives
- Insulation
- Lagging, Valve and Pump Wrap
- LED Lighting
- Lighting Controls
- Refrigeration
- Secondary Metering
- Smart Leak Detection Water Meter
- Solar PV
- Solar Thermal
- Thermography
- Variable Speed Drives
- Vertical Axis Wind Turbines
- Voltage Optimisation
Cogeneration (CHP)
Our supply partner for CHP is a globally-respected provider of cogeneration with offices in over 40 countries. Their ability to provide this technology at no upfront cost via their ‘Discounted Energy Price’ has proven very attractive to our clients as this brings instant and substantial financial benefits.
Cogeneration (CHP) is a well-proven technology, recognised worldwide as a cleaner alternative to traditional centralised generation. Its long-term future in the global energy markets is secured by CHP’s ability to provide a multitude of financial, operational, environmental and legislative benefits from a single unit of fuel.
Our CHPs can be installed at no cost but covered by a discounted energy contract bringing instant savings with no capital outlay.
- Reduced primary energy costs
- Zero capital outlay
- Reduced CO2 emissions
- Instant savings
- Energy independency

Want To See How We Can Save Your Business Money?
Call 01268 683494 and talk to one of our energy specialists and get the wheels moving on how your business can reduce its energy usage.