Carbon Strategy
To aid businesses to comply with their legal obligations and to set an achievable environmental target to support a Net Zero transition, Energy Impact and our group of companies have developed strategy as a service allowing us to show you what a low-carbon future looks like for your company – and give you the strategic roadmap to get there.
Certainly, never have UK businesses faced such uncertain times and unprecedented financial difficulties. With or without government aid the coming years will be a huge challenge for many businesses and their Board of Directors as they try to recover and rebalance the books. The environmental crisis we face will add a further burden to company’s finances to provide capital to fund Carbon and Energy Reduction projects and to administer the various carbon reporting legislation schemes such as ESOS and SECR.
We all know the race is on to achieve net zero by 2050. Governments are getting serious: in the UK, the plan is to cut emissions by 78% by 2035 (compared to 1990 levels). Decarbonisation is vital to the survival of the planet and to the immediate survival of our businesses too. But as business leaders, how can you respond in time? How do you achieve the benefits of emissions reduction, in a structured and viable way? And what are others saying about the challenges?
Assessing Your Emissions
While organisations may be identifying their scope 1, 2 and a small amount of scope 3 emissions for SECR, you can never truly be Net-Zero without fully investigating your scope 3 emissions. For most organisations, scope 3 emissions result in over 70% of their total emissions.
This means that a robust procedure for effective and accurate data management & collection needs to be in place in order to make important evidence-based decisions and identify what budget is required for the Net-Zero commitment in an achievable time frame.
Want To See How We Can Save Your Business Money?
Call 01268 683494 and talk to one of our energy specialists and get the wheels moving on how your business can reduce its energy usage.