3 Steps To Take Towards Being Net Zero
As a business, you have an obligation to your community to be a good steward of the environment. This means reducing your carbon footprint and finding ways to improve the quality of life of your employees and customers alike. Reducing energy use and being net zero are just two ways that you can do this, but it’s important to remember that there is no one-size fits all solution for everyone. In this blog, we offer net zero guidance and look at 3 steps you can take towards being net zero.
1. Cut Down On Energy Use
For your business to be net zero, you will need to cut down on energy usage. Energy-efficient light bulbs are a great way to start this process. These types of bulbs use far less electricity than normal incandescent or halogen bulbs. Take note of anywhere else in your business that could be changed to help cut down on energy usage. This could be anything from switching off electronics on the wall when not in use to heating the building less.
2. Use Electric-Powered Vehicles
Electric vehicles can help you achieve your energy and carbon reduction goals. When considering the use of electric vehicles for delivery, maintenance or security purposes, make sure that any charging stations are located nearby to reduce the amount of time spent at home charging batteries. A good future investment could be to install your EV charging points on-site to promote more employees to choose EVs.
3. Look At The Bigger Picture
Looking at the bigger picture can help businesses to realise the true effect of climate change and how they can help lessen the damage. Using renewable energy sources is just one way of achieving net zero emissions. Reducing the use of plastic and paper can help to achieve this or even just monitoring how much single-use plastic and water get used daily can help you to become more aware of your energy consumption. Looking at how much waste the business creates can also help with this.
We hope this article has helped understand how you can use your company’s resources wisely and make the most of them. The world is changing at a rapid pace, and we all need to be prepared for the future by taking steps now. For more information about net zero emissions UK businesses can rely on, contact our team of net zero carbon consultants today.
Image Source: Unsplash
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