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How could grass help the UK beat its energy security blues?

Report from: Energy Live News

Ecotricity has begun construction of a green gas mill near Reading in Berkshire that will make gas from grass

A new ‘green gas’ project has been launched in a bid to help the UK cope with the energy crunch.

Green energy supplier Ecotricity has announced it has started the construction of a green gas mill that is designed to produce gas from grass.

The mill, which is being built near Reading in Berkshire, is predicted to cover the gas needs of an estimated 4,000 homes every year.

The project will be fed by herbal lays, a mix of grass and herbs, a more sustainable alternative compared to conventional methods of making green gas, Ecotricity has said.

The green gas mill is expected to be fully operational in the early months of next year.

Dale Vince, Founder of Ecotricity, said: “Green gas is cheaper, faster and far less wasteful than a switch to heat pumps.

“And it will work for every home – no exceptions. It will give us a more balanced and diverse outcome in terms of energy supply and form an essential part of the smart grid we need – with gas and electricity grids supporting each other, sharing the energy load of the country.”

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